From a review of the The Celiac Conference and Food Fair, May 2010 in L.A….
There were several notable speakers such as: Shelley Case, RD , and Anne Lee RD, and the favorite of the day was Frank Baldassare from The Missing Ingredient…
Frank Baldassare woke everyone up with his enthusiasm, vigor, humor, positivity and his complete knowledge of a gluten-free diet and life style. He hosts his own show on the internet called The Missing Ingredient® by Cody Boy Entertainment coming soon to a cable channel. Frank’s cooking show is the first of its kind for a step-by-step of gluten-free cooking, baking and all other allergens as well. One of the messages that Frank wanted us all to hear was that while it is fantastic that gluten-free food is going mainstream, we should still beware. “Just because it is gluten-free does not mean it is good for you!” We should remember what got us here in the first place and that we should continue to eat healthily not out of a box. We should honor our bodies by trying to only feed it healthy, locally grown and organic food whenever possible. As a teacher Frank promotes overhauling the food system in our children’s schools. He feels that it is important to support getting better food for our children in schools, and that we really need to support children and teens through this gluten-free life style.
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